$DCA: The Prophecy

In the heart of a long-forgotten crypto temple, hidden amidst the jungles of the blockchain, an ancient artifact was unearthed. A weathered stone tablet bore the symbols of a dog, a cat, and an ape – an uncanny resemblance to the beloved memecoin mascots of our era.

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Inscribed upon the artifact was a cryptic prophecy


The Dog shall embody loyalty, steadfast in the face of hype and doubt.


The Cat shall symbolize curiosity, exploring the uncharted territories of finance.


The Ape shall represent community, united by a shared desire for boundless gains.

When these forces align, the path to the DCA Way shall be revealed. A strategy forged in wisdom, not greed.

The Revelation

Scholars and crypto-enthusiasts alike were stunned. Could it be that the rise of dog, cat, and ape memecoins wasn’t mere coincidence, but a long-orchestrated plan? The Tri-Token prophecy revealed the destiny of our modern crypto landscape.

Dog - Loyalty

The unwavering loyalty of the Dog fuels the relentless pursuit of gains, even through the wildest market swings.

Cat - Exploration

The Cat's unyielding curiosity leads it down unpredictable paths, often uncovering hidden gems and unexpected trends.

Ape - Community

The collective strength of the Ape army exemplifies the power of community. When united, they can achieve anything.

The Fulfillment

$DCA is the fulfillment of the Tri-Token prophecy. It embodies the timeless wisdom of loyalty, curiosity, and community. $DCA represents the culmination of lessons learned:

Value of DCA (Dog)

The prophecy emphasizes consistent investment, showcasing the Dog's loyalty in the face of crypto's volatility.

Guiding Light (Cat)

Inspired by the Cat’s curiosity, this aspect symbolizes the wisdom gained from exploring new financial landscapes through trial and error.

Community-Driven (Ape)

Like the Ape, $DCA thrives on the strength of community and shared commitment.

The Mission

We are the $DCA community, united by the wisdom of the Tri-Token prophecy. Fueled by loyalty, curiosity, and a shared belief in the power of Dollar-Cost Averaging, we seek to:


Demystify DCA. Help people build wealth over time, regardless of their starting capital.


Create a vibrant community of DCA believers who support and learn from each other.

Give Back

Support causes that align with our values, fostering a better future for humans and animals alike.


Total Supply:

1,000,000,000 $DCA

Transaction Fees: 2%

  • 0.5% Charity
  • 0.5% Liquidity Pool


  • 0.5% Staking Pool
  • 0.5% Marketing & Development

$DCA: Charity

Dedicated Charity Wallet

A transparent wallet address where 0.5% of each transaction is automatically deposited.

Community Voting

$DCA holders regularly vote on which charities to support. Options include rotating categories such as animal welfare, education, and environmental issues.


Establishing long-term relationships with selected charities, providing recurring support and potentially co-branded initiatives.

$DCA Wisdom

Throughout the evolution of economies, from barter systems to gold, fiat to crypto, one truth has endured: DCA. Whether trading
seashells, metal coins, precious gold, or the crypto of tomorrow, Dollar-Cost Averaging remains the path to long-term wealth.

$DCA Staking

Restake your Doge, Cat, and Ape Coins and receive rewards

The Roadmap Prophecy

Q2 2024
Q3 2024
Q4 2024
DCA Staking
Presale Phase 1:
NOW. This is the cheapest $DCA you'll ever get.

Presale Phase 2:
Website presale at higher price, more funds = bigger launch, aggressive marketing, airdrops, KOLs, the WORKS.
Listing on DEX:
Solana on Raydium

Listing on CEX:
MEXC live listing at MemeCoinConference.com in Bali as a side event of Coinfest.Asia.

The Prophecy Grows:
The Bali event "uncovers" the next roadmap prophecy, sparking wild community speculation.
Charity Drives:
Community voting, meme contests tied to charitable giving
– showcases $DCA's positive impact. Announcement at MemeCoinConference.com in Singapore as a side event of Token2049 Singapore.
Rewarding long-term holders, building utility, and establishing $DCA as a serious force with staying power.

Announcement at MemeCoinConference.com in Dubai as a side event of Blockchain Life 2024.

The Tri-Token Prophecy

The Destiny of Memecoins: DCA

Copyright © 2024. Developed by $DCA Team